At General Knot, we have always thoroughly enjoyed the act of creating, whether it be three dimensional or conceptual, but we've never quite embraced the aspects associated with being interviewed and having to talk about that process. With that being said, after Greg Caruso and his team shared their vision for their documentary Making The American Man and asked us to participate, we couldn't say no.

The Making The American Man crew
Greg and his team (all recent college graduates- or soon to be) set out from Los Angeles to find out what's behind the surge in mens wear and mens centric goods, from the perspective of the very American men who make these goods. We happen to be a husband and wife team, but the Missus is A BIT of a tomboy, so it seemed to work just fine.
After zigzagging across the country, and visiting a slew of makers and brands, including the likes of Shinola, Filson, Horween Leathers, Beard Brand, Frank Clegg Leather Works, Randolph Engineering and New England Shirt Co. just to name a few, the Making The American Man crew came to our neck of the woods- literally...

We feel quite honored to be among the short list of people whom Greg and his team have interviewed. Their clarity of vision, professionalism, and genuine enthusiasm for their project is truly impressive. A lot of interviewers go down the road of asking the same generic questions, but Greg came prepared with truly thought-provoking conversation that inspired honest soul searching.
Please keep up with their progress at
Making The American Man and look out for the full documentary coming soon. Below is segment of General Knot & Co.